Healthy Salt Substitute

Comprehensive Guide To A Healthy Salt Substitute For A Healthy Life

May 01, 2024

Salt is a staple ingredient in our diets, and we cannot imagine our favorite grubs without it. This ingredient is so deeply ingrained in our culinary traditions and everyday cooking practices that even many companies have discovered new marketing strategies to meet customer demands and needs– iodine infused salt, vegan salt, sodium salt and many more like that.

From seasoning our favorite dishes to preserving foods, salt plays a pivotal role in enhancing flavor and adding depth to our meals. However, our heavy reliance on salt has its drawbacks, leading many people to look for healthier substitutes. In this blog we will go over the value of reducing salt intake, importance of healthy salt substitutes, talk about the advantages of the best salt substitute for heart patients and others, and discuss the reasons why Salicornia salt available -both as white and green salt- is a revolutionary result for leading a better lifestyle.

Is Salt Really A Staple Ingredient In Our Daily Life?

Convenience and taste often takes precedence over health in today's modern and busy lifestyle. Because processed goods are readily available and have a long shelf life, they have become the standard, despite having a high salt content. In fact, eating out or getting takeaway has increased in popularity, exposing our bodies to unrecognized salt sources. Due to this, we now consume significantly more salt than the daily allowance that health experts recommend.

Yes, salt enhances flavor, acts as a preservative, and is crucial for our body's functions like nerve impulses and muscle contractions. But we only need a small amount daily. We just need 5gm of salt per day or you can say just under a teaspoon.

And do we follow that?

Most people consume much more than that. This excess sodium can have negative consequences. It causes an imbalance in the body's fluids, which raises blood pressure and is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke. The main culprits are often highly salted processed, readily available pre packed foods and restaurant indulgences. We can reap the benefits of salt without suffering its negatives if we limit our intake or by choosing other healthy salt substitutes such as green salt Salicornia and Salicornia white salt.

Why Should You Limit Your Regular Salt Intake?

Of course, salt or sodium is essential for maintaining fluid balance, nerve function, and muscle contraction in the body, excessive salt intake can have detrimental effects on our health. High sodium consumption strongly leads to hypertension (high blood pressure), which is a major risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and kidney damage. 

In fact, it has been found that your regular table salt may not provide essential minerals that your body really needs. So, where are you lagging? What are the disadvantages of consuming too much regular table salt?

Here are the most common and biggest issues of using high sodium common salt:

  • High blood pressure - This is the most common harsh result of consuming excess sodium. When you eat too much salt day by day in your meals, your body starts to hold onto more fluid, and this increases blood pressure. And we all know that high blood pressure causes the heart to beat faster and in an irregular way and this may lead to heart disease, stroke, as well as kidney disease.
  • Lack of essential minerals - Regular table salt is highly refined and stripped of most of its minerals, including potassium, magnesium, and calcium. These minerals are important for maintaining good health. 
  • Water retention: Excessive salt can contribute to water retention, bloating, and fluid buildup, exacerbating conditions such as edema and heart failure. 

Adults should not exceed 2,300 mg of sodium per day, according to the American Heart Association (AHA), with 1,500 mg being a healthier daily target. The daily recommended allowance of 3,400 milligrams of sodium is far exceeded by the average adult's consumption.

Has it done any good to us then?

Iodine is a mineral that is essential for thyroid health and so, once upon a time, table salt was iodized to help prevent iodine deficiency disorders in certain countries. However, many people are now getting enough iodine from other sources, such as dairy products and bread that we consume almost due to our easy lifestyle and globalization. But the main problem lies in excess and poor judgment of nutrients.

What is the solution then?

Look For Other healthy Salt Substitutes

If you want to choose a healthier side of salts, you need to look for healthy salt substitutes and alternatives to traditional table salt (sodium chloride) that offer similar taste-enhancing properties without any harmful effects. These salt substitutes are lower in sodium and contain natural minerals plus act as a flavor enhancer to improve the taste of your every meal.

Look for SaltWise 100% natural plant based, low sodium, mineral rich Salicornia White salt and Saltwise Green Salicornia Salt or other low-sodium salt products available in the market. You can also check out salt substitutes with potassium.

Health Benefits of Using Salicornia Salt White and Green salt

Salicornia salt is a special salt, which is an all natural salt alternative derived from a unique succulent plant - the Salicornia plant. This plant is also known as Glasswort, Seawort, Sea Asparagus, Pickleweed, Marsh Samphire, and Hamcho. This plant offers amazing health and wellbeing benefits. This plant-based salt offers a natural and nutritious alternative to traditional table salt, making it an obvious choice for a better health. 

Both white and green salt varieties of Salicornia salt are rich in essential minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and calcium, which are vital for maintaining overall health and wellbeing. In fact, Salicornia salt also contains more Vitamins (A, B3) and other antioxidants that contribute to its distinctive nutritional value. From enhancing flavor to providing a source of essential nutrients, Salicornia salt is a versatile ingredient that can elevate your culinary creations while supporting your health goals.

The best part is that – Salicornia white and green salt are  50% lower in Sodium, are gluten-free, vegan, Non-GMO, microplastic free, without any additives and of course, high on fiber and chlorophyll.

Are They Good for You?

Yes, Salicornia salts are not only good for you but also offer a range of health benefits. By including Salicornia salt into your diet, you can have the delicious Umami kick in your every scrumptious meal, without the harmful effects of excessive sodium. Salicornia as a herb has been a part of many global cuisines and specifically goes very well with sea-food. 

In a nutshell, SaltWise’s Salicornia Salt range contributes to overall health, making it a wise choice for those seeking a healthier lifestyle.


Limiting salt consumption is essential for maintaining good health and averting chronic illnesses. You can easily support your health goals and yet enjoy the flavor of salt by using healthy salt substitutes like Salicornia salt in your diet. For individuals seeking to improve their eating habits, Salicornia salt from SaltWise is an excellent option due to its flavor, nutritional value, and adaptability. Just drizzle a bit of Salicornia salt on your meal or snack to start down the path to a happier and healthier self.

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